The Rising Power of the Asian American Community in Politics

Please join the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics in person for a discussion regarding the rising role of the Asian American community in politics. Voter turnout among Asian Americans has jumped from 49.3% in 2014 to 59.5% in 2020. The community's turnout played a key role in swing states during the 2020 presidential election and in competitive congressional elections. At the same time, Asian Americans have also been increasingly targeted with hate crimes.

November 19, 2021


12:00 pm


Online Only

Ida Noyes Library, University of Chicago

The Rising Power of the Asian American Community in Politics

To describe the many issues facing the community, a panel of Asian American leaders will speak at the IOP, including:

  • Rep. Stephanie Murphy, a third-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the first Vietnamese-American woman to serve in Congress. She is the co-chair of the Blue Dog Coalition of moderate House Democrats. Elected in 2016, Rep. Murphy represents the 7th Congressional District of Florida that includes much of the greater Orlando metropolitan area. She serves on the Ways and Means Committee and the Armed Services Committee.
  • Sonal Shah, founding president of The Asian American Foundation and Senior Practitioner Fellow at the University of Chicago Center for Effective Governance based at the Harris School of Public Policy. She is one of the foremost global leaders on social impact and innovation and previously served as Deputy Assistant to President Obama and Director of the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation.
  • Rebecca Shi, founding executive director of the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC), a bipartisan coalition of 1200 CEOs, retired CEOs, donor class, employers and business associations across the country, from Texas to Maine, Florida to Idaho. She immigrated from China when she was ten years old and graduated from the University of Chicago with high honors and was selected as a graduation speaker.

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November 19, 2021