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The Asian American Foundation
March 15, 2022: This past Friday, an Asian woman in Yonkers, New York was punched 125 times senselessly and without cause. This latest incident is part of a barrage of targeted attacks on Asians across the country and in the New York metropolitan area. 75% of AAPI women report having experienced racism or discrimination of some kind in the last year alone, and anti-AAPI crimes increased three-fold in New York City last year.
In a state with over 1.8 million Asian Americans, an attack on one is an attack on all of us. A brutal attack like this has devastating ripple effects across the community. The color of your skin or where you come from cannot be a prerequisite for public safety. All New Yorkers deserve the right to feel safe. There must be bold, unequivocal actions to protect Asian lives and build a New York free from discrimination and violence.
About The Asian American Foundation
The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) is a convener, incubator, and funder committed to accelerating opportunity and prosperity for AAPI communities. TAAF supports advocates and organizations committed to AAPI causes so that together we can more effectively take action against hate and violence, and build the infrastructure needed to improve AAPI advocacy, power, and representation across American society. We were founded to solve for the longstanding lack of investment and resources provided to AAPI communities and we strive to be a catalyzing force for creating a permanent and irrevocable sense of belonging for the 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders living in the United States. For additional information about TAAF, please visit
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